Ally's Friends

Saturday, April 5, 2014

April 5th, 2014- The Newborn Pictures

Courtesy of Portrait Innovations- for your viewing pleasure!  (not exactly a 'new' newborn but she's small enough you'd never know!)

 Still tired...

 The winner- and the outfit we brought her home in!

 The whimsical it!!!

 The ladybug!

We have one of all 3 of our kids like this in white frames.

We get pictures done every year at Portrait Innovations and this time had the best photographer we've ever had...I'm requesting her when we go back for family/boy individual/kid group photos next month.  We've had so many people- family, friends at church, and complete strangers- tell us how perfect she is.  Though we know no one is perfect, including our girl, and the circumstances surrounding her diagnosis and early birth have made things far from perfect, I keep trying to remember that our God is good and He has richly blessed us with not only our Ally, but with many outcomes that could have been far worse thus far than they have been.  He will get us through- whatever lies ahead.  For now, in this post we celebrate with you in Ally's birth and the life the Lord has prepared for her.