Ally's Friends

Saturday, December 14, 2013

December 14th, 2013- The Gender Reveal

From our sonographer at MFM from our appointment, we had a sealed envelope with the gender of baby #3.  We had decided to find out the gender this time, unlike with our first two pregnancies.  Everything seemed so different about this pregnancy versus our other two (planned vs. unplanned, found out right away vs. found out halfway through, no issues vs. issues) why not find out this time?  I think for me too, part of me wanted to know SOMETHING definite about this baby, with all of the unknowns we were faced with at this point.  Plus, we needed something to celebrate!

I had heard about gender reveal cakes, where you give the envelope to the bakery, they color the inside of the cake either pink or blue, and everyone finds out together the gender of the baby.  I did some research and found a local bakery that would do gender reveal cupcakes.  I thought that would be fun and decided to do it.

With everything that had been going on lately, my parents decided to come visit the weekend of the 13th - 15th.  Since Russell's parents live here we thought this would be the perfect time to have the gender reveal party with our immediate families.

I ordered the cupcakes and we took the envelope to them the day after the MFM appointment.  We picked them up Saturday and drove over to Russell's parents home, since they were serving lunch there.  

My Mom was beside herself.  My parents have 4 grandsons, and I know that she would love the baby no matter what, but she really wanted a granddaughter (and this was probably her last chance!).  It killed her to wait to find out the gender of our boys, so she was so excited to find out what this one was.

I was a little nervous.  Part of me wanted another boy, because I know what to do with boys.  I have 2 of them already, and we have all the toys, clothes, etc.  However, part of me wanted a girl for my Mom's sake and also so I could have the experience of a daughter, however different that may turn out to be from 'normal'.  

My Mom waited patiently through lunch and while we sat around for a few minutes until I said, "Well, should we have dessert?"  We each got a cupcake.  When we were all ready, we cut in.  I sort of lagged behind, because I was watching Mom.  She cut hers and started crying.  I couldn't see inside the way it fell open from where I was sitting, so I wasn't sure if they were tears of joy... or not.  I leaned over and saw the pink...we finally had a girl!

Everyone was excited and congratulating us.  We were taking pictures with our phones and texting to other family that wasn't there.  Luke was happy because he had wanted a sister (I guess because he already had a brother).  

So Russell and I didn't need to argue needlessly over boy names again.  We have had a girl name picked out all along.  We were finally getting our Allyson Ruby!

I have always liked the name Allyson, and Ruby is my Dad's mother's name.  She died in 1991, the day before I turned 9 years old.  Russell always insisted on trying to have a family name (which all of our kids do) and I wanted their names to be connected (by more than just their last name) so they all 3 have R middle names.

Of course, afterward Mom and I went shopping, and she started buying clothes...and she has since posted on facebook the picture of the doll she bought at home (after years of nothing but Hot Wheels and Ninja Turtles).  We also picked out lavender fabric for Mom to make a car seat cover...the one we have is pretty old and worn, and she needs something a little more girly anyway!  Luke picked out a onesie at Target one day when shopping with Russell, which was sweet, and I went to Once Upon a Child and bought $66 worth of clothes (14 articles of clothing, some with 2 pieces) for nothing (between the $1 clearance, a $5 off coupon, and store credit- love it when I can do that!)  

Sweet girl, if you are reading this later in life (and we hope you get to!), we love you so!  May God bless you and use you in mighty ways- He has already used you in our lives for the better, and you're not even 'here' yet.

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